The Cancellations

depression you can dance to

AYSBLT: Laurlyn, Robyn Harris, Billy and The Devil

From left to right, musical artists Laurlyn, Robyn Harris, and Billy and The Devil

All three of these tracks are at the top of our Depression You Can Dance To Spotify playlist this week. Listen while you read!

“Atone” – Laurlyn

Laurlyn’s debut single “Atone” sounds a lot more like an established artist’s first solo release after waiting out a restrictive 10 year record deal. It’s experienced, it’s freeing, and it’s honest as hell. She opens with a deep, tender vocal over simple piano chords that quickly find their place amongst a textural soundscape of grooving percussion and evocative, brassy synths. “Atone” is theatrical in its seamless ebbs and flows, but at its heart it’s really just a damn good pop song.

Find & follow Laurlyn: laurlyn.cominstagram • tiktok • youtube • spotify

“Famous” – Robyn Harris

Nashville’s Robyn Harris tackles the indie musician’s lament with an optimistic twist in her irresistible bop “Famous.” Robyn’s voice is airy and saccharine in its delivery, lending to the vibe of self-acceptance put forth by her brutal and clever lyrics. The track begs to be blasted on the aging stereo system of your 2004 sedan as you speed away from the last missed opportunity on a sunny day, screaming along to the mantra of the summer: “We’re all disappointing our parents/I’m over, I tried, I’m done caring.”

Find & follow Robyn Harris: instagram • tiktok • youtube • spotify

“Line in the Dirt” – Billy and The Devil

If the lovechild of Tom Petty and Billy Idol were tasked with scoring a western film, Billy and the Devil’s “Line in the Dirt” would roll behind the end credits. From the first echoing guitar notes, it paints a picture of a dusty expanse populated by a single horse and its rider, slowly trotting away from their latest disappointment. It’s an evocative but empowering breakup song that doesn’t necessarily point to an antagonist. Are we splitting with our spouse? Our church? Our society? Billy’s lyrics ride that beautiful line between emotional specificity and topical ambiguity.

Find & follow Billy and The Devil: • instagram • tiktokyoutube • spotify

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